Thursday, December 6, 2012

Shopping For Visitors Insurance

Looking for international travel insurance? Sadly, so few realize their need for travelers insurance; mistakenly assuming that their health insurance policy will cover medical expenses incurred while they are traveling abroad. If you are searching for visitor medical insurance, you are ahead of the game!

In your search for international travel insurance, here are a few things you might want to know.

Not all Insurance Companies are Equal

* It is important to shop around for visitor medical insurance. There are numerous companies that offer insurance products for international travelers, so choose the one that best suits your needs.

* Look for a company that has a good reputation. Read consumer reviews and customer testimonials online. You can take this one step further by asking those you know if they have ever purchased visitors insurance. If they have, they can share their experience with you.

* When choosing an insurance company, consider one that allows you great flexibility in developing your policy. By nature, visitors insurance policies are highly customizable and you will be able to choose your premium and deductible as well as spectrum of coverage.

* Search for a company that specializes in selling products to individuals from your country. Finding a company that specializes in insurance to your specific country of origin helps you to know that they will be skilled in providing quality customer service to you. Finding the right company to deal with is important. Without the right company, you may risk running into road blocks in the event that you need to use your policy.

* Look for the best price. Most of the time you can get a quote simply by filling out some basic information about your trip on an online application form. This allows you to compare prices and review feedback on several companies.

Choose the Policy that Best Suits your Needs

* How much coverage do you really need? Fortunately, most policies allow you to choose the amount of coverage as you create your policy. Consider the options before making your final decision. There may only be a small difference between a lot of coverage and a little. Then again, you may only need very minimum coverage. The point is, get the coverage you need.

* How long are you planning to travel? Make sure that you purchase a policy that will provide coverage for the entirety of your trip. Have the policy written to cover the amount of time you will be traveling, as well as for the correct dates. Find out what the insurance company's protocol is should your plans change. What happens if your travel plans change, or if your flight gets delayed? Be sure to communicate with your company if things do change. If you communicate with them, they will usually work with you to meet your circumstances.

* Do you want a high or a low deductible? Visitor medical insurance will offer you the choice to set your deductible. If you think it is highly unlikely that you will use your policy, it is generally a good idea to go with a high deductible. However, if you are going on a long-term trip, the chances of having to use your policy increases, so you may want to consider a lower deductible.

International travel should be fun and memorable. By planning well and obtaining adequate international travel insurance, you can rest assured your memories will be good ones.

Taking Prescription or OTC Medicines Overseas? Be Careful!   Bajaj Allianz Travel Insurance   Travel Insurance For Over 65s   Terrorism Coverage in Your Travel Insurance Policies   Travel Health And Car Insurance And Why You Need It   Pet Travel Insurance: What's to Know?   

Honeymoon Insurance And When To Take It Out

Couples planning to get married these days are tending to make their own arrangements rather than have relatives like their mothers for example do it for them. There has been a trend towards professional wedding planners, but this can sometimes be too expensive for many young couples who are on a tight budget, so they do it themselves. One of the areas that concern modern wedding plans is the subject of insurance. I have written at length about wedding insurance, but we now need to turn our attention to what happens after the wedding, i.e. the honeymoon.

As we have already discussed, a modern traditional wedding will set you back about £20000 especially when you add together all the trimmings that are also included. That is why we recommend wedding insurance, but what about the honeymoon?

Young newlyweds are taking their honeymoons seriously these days. A typical honeymoon will set you back about £2-3000 depending upon where you go and what you intend to do when you get there. The days of a weekend in Blackpool are long gone, as are the excursions to Benidorm or Majorca! Newlyweds today want more adventure on their honeymoon and they are willing to travel further afield to get it.

This means that traditional travel insurance may not cover your activities or even the places you are planning to go to. You really should be making your honeymoon plans when you plan your wedding and you should therefore sort out your honeymoon insurance at the same time.

If you are planning to travel outside of the Eurozone, you will need to make this clear to the travel agent as many standard travel policies will only cover Europe. You will also need to ensure that your activities are covered. For example, you will find that most policies will exclude things like skydiving, bungee jumping, scuba diving, horse riding and the list goes on. It is important that you get this sorted out well before you go as you do not want to be worrying about it at the airport!

Another aspect to try and get sorted out when you are planning all of this is the actual costs involved. Honeymooners notoriously underestimate the costs involved in their honeymoon and therefore the sums insured are not adequate to cover loos or damage should it arise, so make sure that you are aware of the costs involved.

One final piece of advice is to maybe not over emphasise that you are going on your honeymoon to the travel agent, as they are noted for bumping up prices if they think that you are willing to pay more just because it is your honeymoon!

Taking Prescription or OTC Medicines Overseas? Be Careful!   Bajaj Allianz Travel Insurance   Travel Insurance For Over 65s   Terrorism Coverage in Your Travel Insurance Policies   

Protect Yourself and Your Family Before You Board the Plane

Traveling on an airplane is actually quite a safe mode of transportation, although most people have a fear of flying. When planning a trip that requires you to take flight, there are certain things you should do before you board. For instance, if you are going out of the country, you need a valid photo passport. Also, you need to make sure that you always have a photo ID on hand for security checks, and whenever airport security asks you to show them your identification. Make sure your boarding pass is also readily available upon request.

Pack as little as possible, and do not forget essentials such as ID cards, credit cards, and calling cards if you are traveling internationally. Always keep cash on you in the case of an emergency. These are some of the more obvious things to get squared away before taking your trip. However, there is something else that most people look passed when they plan a trip that requires an airplane ride.

Most people overlook the importance of applying for flight travel insurance, even though it is actually a great benefit and brings a sense of security to you and your family. Not many people realize that such an insurance plan exists, and you might actually one of those people who are unaware of this. Flight travel insurance, depending the policy benefits you choose, can help protect you and your family in case of an accident that occurs while on board an airplane. If you lose a limb, your eyesight, or if you lose your life while on board because of an airplane accident, flight accident insurance offers coverage for the aforementioned. If you happen to get injured or pass away in the event of an accident on a plane, your family will not have to stress over financial issues in a time of hardship or grieving.

A lot of people do not think it is important to purchase this type of insurance because airplane crashes are rare, but it is better to be safe than sorry in case something were to happen while you are flying. Flight accident insurance could also cover more than the loss of a limb, eyesight, or loss of life. Depending on how much you are willing to pay and what kind of coverage you want, you could also add on benefits for medical expenses, baggage loss, and repatriation. With the benefit of repatriation, in the event that you lose your life, the insurance will help cover the costs of flying your body back to your home country. Insurance coverage could be up to $1 million or as low as $100,000. All of the added benefits and coverage levels are your choice, and they depend on how long you will be traveling.

In the case of an accident that causes an injury or death, have peace of mind knowing that you and your family have the financial help in a time of need. Money should not be a stress factor in the midst of recovering from an airplane accident.

Taking Prescription or OTC Medicines Overseas? Be Careful!   Bajaj Allianz Travel Insurance   Travel Insurance For Over 65s   Terrorism Coverage in Your Travel Insurance Policies   

Travel Insurance From TATA AIG

Quiet often you might want to spend your leisure time on a holiday exploring different parts of the world. Travelling to your dream destination which you once dreamt about will be remembered fondly throughout your life. This exciting experience would include adventures, view of unique landscapes and sceneries, eating in various multi-cuisines restaurants, shopping across different brands, enjoying the glimpse of the gigantic skyscrapers, beautiful animals parks as well as botanical gardens and the list goes on...

Unfortunately along with enjoying your holiday you have a big responsibility and that is to give your health a high priority. You might not know when you would come across a medical emergency. Medical expenses abroad are very expensive and your happy experiences could become a disaster. Therefore when you plan your long awaited holiday, it is advisable to do a reality check and plan a secured and tension free holiday by investing just a small sum of money on a good travel insurance plan which would keep you and your family safe during this expedition.

People exploring different parts of the world every year must see that they are insured with proper insurance. Buyers should also Beware! Since there are many insurance companies providing different polices you might not be sure which one to buy. Each of the policies provides different coverage depending on the different situations you would come across. Most of the insurance companies know the need of the people while travelling. TATA AIG travel insurance is one of the renowned insurance company which offers travel insurance for people. Some of the travel plans offered under TATA AIG travel insurance are as follows:

Travel Guard Insurance The Travel guard insurance provides coverage for all overseas travelers up to the age of 79. It does not require medical examination up to 79 years. There are 3 policy maximums available, the Silver plan for $50,000/-, the Gold plan for $200,000/- and the Platinum plan for $500,000/-. This policy is valid for 180 days initially, and can be renewed further for another 90 days. For travellers who are more than 70 years old, only the $50,000 coverage is available.

Asia Guard Insurance Travelers visiting Asian countries like Bangkok, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Dubai, Sri Lanka, Maldives... can purchase Asia Guard Insurance. Only Japan and Korea are the Asian countries that are excluded in Asia Guard travel insurance. However the Asia Guard policy is available for a maximum of 14 days only. For travel within Asia but for more than 14 days, travelers should purchase the Travel guard insurance policy.

Annual Multi Trip Insurance Travelers who make multiple trips to foreign countries annually can purchase Annual Multi Trip travel insurance for medical coverage. Annual Multi Trip insurance is available as Gold plan and Platinum plan providing maximum coverage of $250,000 and $500,000 respectively. Travelers with the Annual Multi trip insurance policy cannot exceed a single trip overseas for more than 30 or 45 days depending on the plan purchased.

Domestic Guard Insurance Those who travel within India should not take their health issues for granted by ignoring the importance of travel insurance policy. Domestic Guard insurance plans cover specific risks that are encountered by the travelers in case of an emergency. Domestic Guard insurance can be purchased according to one's age group.

Student Insurance Students between the age of 16 to 35 years who are enrolled and attending full time college abroad can purchase Student insurance. Student insurance is available for the students as Plan A, Plan B and Ultimate having policy maximum of $50,000, $100,000 and $250,000 respectively.

Senior Citizen Insurance TATA AIG medical insurance plans are available for senior citizens as well. Senior citizens who are between the age of 70 and 79 are eligible for TATA AIG travel mediclaim insurance policy coverage. The maximum duration of coverage will be 180 days for Senior Citizen travelers and the maximum benefit is limited to $ 50,000.

TATA AIG travel mediclaim insurance plan protects the insured from any unforeseen emergency while overseas or within India. Travel insurance, one of the largest travel insurance company in the world offers reliable and affordable travel insurance policies for Indian customers. Travel insurance policies are relevant for travelers going abroad and staying there for a certain period of time. Travel insurance plans are designed to meet the health insurance requirements of the young and old. Travelers can select any one of the plans and make an easy purchase online. Travel insurance plans cover the insured for medical expenses, repatriation, evacuation, accidental death and dismemberment...

Taking Prescription or OTC Medicines Overseas? Be Careful!   Bajaj Allianz Travel Insurance   Travel Insurance For Over 65s   Pet Travel Insurance: What's to Know?   

TATA AIG Travel Insurance Plans

Travelling is all about exploring new horizons of life. Some people travel to take a break from their 9x5 work schedules, some travel to acquire new business, some travel to visit their families and friends in distant lands, some travel to study abroad and some travel to find peace for their inner self. The reasons for travelling vary from person to person however the primary hope in every traveler remains same - A fulfilling and exciting journey. However, someone said it right: A Journey is like Marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think that you control it! That's when Travel insurance comes in your Travel plan. It actually gives you a complete peace of mind to be prepared for any unforeseen emergencies or uncontrolled circumstances like loss of baggage, personal accident, medical expenses, flight delays etc. And for Indian Travelers who else can serve better than the trust and reliability of Tata i.e. Tata AIG Travel Insurance Plan.

Tata AIG travel insurance offers varied plans tailor made to suit your needs and budget. Travelers going abroad can choose from Asia Guard insurance, Travel Guard insurance and Annual Multi Trip. Asia Guard insurance is best suited for travelers travelling to other Asian countries. Annual Multi Trip is suitable for travelers travelling overseas multiple times during a year.

Tata AIG travel Insurance plans cover benefits like Coverage of Accident & Sickness Medical Expenses, checked baggage loss, baggage delay, loss of passport, personal liability, hijacking, trip delay, personal accident, etc. Travelers can choose a plan to get maximum coverage benefit upto $50,000, $2,00,000 or $5,00,000. You can get a quote immediately by choosing a plan as per your age and travel needs. All these Insurance plans can be bought online without any paperwork and policy is issued and emailed within 24 hours. Payment can be made via Credit card, debit card or through cheque. For using Credit card/Debit card, you can just follow the steps online and buy the travel insurance plan, however if paying through cheque, you need to provide details in the Online cheque application form and then courier the cheque to the office address mentioned in the cheque application form. In both payment modes, Policy will be issued, emailed and couriered upon realization of the payment. You also get 24x7 service support free of charge for complete peace of mind during your trip. Wish you Happy and Secured Travelling!

Taking Prescription or OTC Medicines Overseas? Be Careful!   Bajaj Allianz Travel Insurance   Travel Insurance For Over 65s   Pet Travel Insurance: What's to Know?   Terrorism Coverage in Your Travel Insurance Policies   

Advice for the Parents of a Study Abroad Student

Your son or daughter has decided to take advantage of studying in a foreign country. This is a very rewarding and exciting opportunity for your child. However, for you and your spouse, this might cause a boatload of anxiety, stress, worry, and uncertainty. Although studying abroad is popular amongst American students, their parents often think the worst while their children are hundreds of miles away, whether it be for a few weeks or an entire semester.

Be sure to keep the lines of communication open between you and your child. Your son or daughter might feel a great sense of independence because he or she is in a whole separate country from you. However, it is important to let your child know that you need to keep in contact often. Cell phones work differently while abroad. Figure out what would be best for your child. Would it be cheaper to have your child bring his or her personal cell phone and purchase an international calling card? Would you rather have him or her buy an international phone? Will you speak via video chat on your laptops or send e-mails on a nightly basis? Having a way to be able to call each other without enduring high calling bills is something that should be discussed and planned ahead of time. Let your child know that you want to remain updated through e-mails or web chat so that he or she could tell you about his or her day. In doing so, your child will think you are just very interested and eager to know what he or she did and learned. However, in reality, although you are interested, you really just want to hear from them in order to know that they are safe and well!

There are two aspects of travel safety that you should discuss with your son or daughter. First, go over any pamphlets that your child might have received about the study abroad program and the country where he or she will be studying. Oftentimes, study abroad programs provide students with travel safety tips, which warn them about thieves and people who pickpocket and specifically target tourists. Review any program material that pertains to safety.

The other aspect of safety to discuss is your child's health. Ask him or her if student health insurance is included in the study abroad program costs. If it is not, you should seriously consider purchasing an insurance plan such as Study USA health insurance. Health insurance for American students studying abroad might be mandatory, depending on where your student is studying. Also, health coverage will help cover costs for any possible medical care he or she might need to attain while abroad.

If there is no such thing as universal healthcare or some kind of publicly funded healthcare, medical bills without insurance could cost thousands of dollars, and you and your child will be solely responsible for paying the entire cost of these bills. Therefore, if your child needs medical attention or has to visit the hospital or a doctor some reason, it is quite important for him or her to have a plan such as Study USA health insurance.

Taking Prescription or OTC Medicines Overseas? Be Careful!   Bajaj Allianz Travel Insurance   Travel Insurance For Over 65s   Pet Travel Insurance: What's to Know?   Travel Health And Car Insurance And Why You Need It   

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